نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 عضو هیئت علمی موسسه آموزش عالی غیر انتفاعی سپهر ، اصفهان، ایران

2 دانشیار گروه ارتباط تصویری، دانشکده هنرهای تجسمی، دانشگاه هنر



امروزه حجم بالای اطلاعات بصری موجب شده است تا انتقال پیام به مخاطب دشوار شود . یکی از راه‌حل‌های موثر برای ایجاد خلاقیت و جلب توجه مخاطب، استفاده از بازی و تعامل میان فضاهای مثبت و منفی اثر است. هدف پژوهش حاضر تعیین نحوه‌ی استفاده از تعامل فضاهای مثبت و منفی با تکیه بر نظریه گشتالت در پوسترهای طراح گرافیک معاصر، نوما بار می باشد.
این پژوهش از منظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش کیفی است؛ بدین معنا که تمامی عناصر بصری موجود در نمونه های مورد بررسی با توجه به نظریه گشتالت و جداول طراحی شده توسط پژوهشگران مورد مشاهده، تحلیل و توصیف کیفی قرار گرفته اند. جامعه‌ی نمونه‌ی پژوهش پوسترهای طراحی شده توسط نوما بار بوده که به صورت هدفمند انتخاب شده اند. پس از مشاهده‌ی عمیق 38 نمونه، توصیف بصری آن‌ها، کدگذاری توصیف‌ها و توسعه‌ی جدول ارزیابی این نمونه‌ها بر اساس قوانین گشتالت و به دست آمدن نتایج کدگذاری‌ها، 14 نمونه‌ که تطابق بیش تری با موضوع مورد بحث داشته اند انتخاب شده و از منظر رابطه‌ی شکل و زمینه مورد بحث قرار گرفته‌اند.
نتایج پژوهش حاکی از آن است که در نمونه‌های مورد بررسی، فضای مثبت و منفی در پوسترهای نوما بار معمولاً کارکردی دوجانبه دارند؛ به‌طوری که یا تمام فضای اطرافِ نقشِ مثبت و یا قسمتی از این فضا تبدیل به نقش جدیدی شده‌اند که با وجود اتصال بدون‌مرز به زمینه، خود را به عنوان نقش یا همان فضای مثبت جلوه می‌دهند. در واقع، این استفاده مثبت از فضای منفیِ زمینه‌ی اثر تا به حدی خوب انجام پذیرفته است که در برخی موارد، شکل ایجاد شده در زمینه‌ی به نسبت فضای مثبت، تطابق بیش‌تری با قوانینِ نقش بودن یک شکل در نظریه‌ی شکل و زمینه‌ی گشتالت داشته و حتی گاهی بیشتر چشم مخاطب را درگیر خود می کند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Study Interaction of Positive and Negative Space in Noma bar's Works based on Figure and Ground principle in Gestalt theory

نویسندگان [English]

  • zeinab saedzade 1
  • Soodabeh Salehi 2

1 Faculty member of non-profit higher education institutions Sepehr , Isfahan, Iran

2 associate professor, Department of Graphic, School of Visual Arts, the University of Arts,

چکیده [English]

The content of high visual volume in front of humans makes paying attention to information to convey messages become one of the main problems of graphic designers. One of the solutions that designers face in order to create creativity and attract the audience's attention is to use games and create the Interaction between positive and negative spaces in design. In fact, in these works, the use of creativity and efficiency from a negative space is discussed, which in addition to turning it into a positive form and creating proper coordination between positive and negative spaces, Trying to use principled negative space in presenting concepts.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine how to use the interaction of positive and negative spaces by identifying the main principles of Gestalt theory and the law of role and context and its impact on visual perception. This research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative and case study in terms of research method. The sample population of this research was the posters designed by the contemporary designer Noma Bar, which were purposefully selected. The study tools were observations and tables designed by researchers. In the present study, after in-depth observation of 38 prototypes, they were visually described and then the descriptions were coded. Then, by developing a sample evaluation table based on a review of Gestalt laws and reaching the results of coding, 14 samples were selected and discussed in the main part of the research from the perspective of the relationship between figure and ground. Also, the volume of prototypes in this section is sufficiently determined; This means that whenever the results of the sample analysis are repeated, further examination of the samples is avoided.

In the composition of visual works in general and consequently in the composition of posters in particular, it is expected that the image surface will always be divided into two independent parts, namely positive space and negative space or figure and ground, but the results This study indicates that in the studied samples, the positive and negative space in Noma Bar posters usually have a two-way function; In designing his posters, Noma bar has avoided creating a 100% distinction between these two spaces as much as possible and has always tried to create a close and inseparable connection between them in his works so that through this technique he can present his concepts with a new visual and creative perspective; So that either all the space around the positive figure or part of this space has become a new figure that despite the borderless connection to the background, they present themselves as a figure or the positive space. In fact, this positive use of the background negative space of the work has been done so well that in some cases, the shape created in the poster background is more in line with the rules of a shape in the theory of figure and Gestalt ground than and the positive space They mostly engage the audience.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Poster design
  • Gestalt theory
  • Positive space
  • Negative space
  • Noma Bar’s posters