نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری پژوهش هنر، دانشکده‌ی مطالعات عالی و مطالعات نظری هنر، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

2 استاد، دانشکده‌ی مطالعات عالی و مطالعات نظری هنر، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران



در این پژوهش، مقوله فرا انسان نگری در هنر معاصر، به عنوان رویکردی جدید در هنرهای هفتگانه مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و سیر تاریخی آن، به شکل خلاصه آورده شده است؛ این رویکرد، که نگاهی تازه به پدیده های پیرامونی را پیش روی ما قرارداده و تعریفی جدید از آفرینش هنری را ارائه می دهد، در تمامی هنرها مورد توجه قرار گرفته و منجر به تولید آثار هنری ای متفاوت و متمایزی در تاریخ هنر مدرن و بعد از آن شده است. اشاره به هنر سینما در بخش پایانی مقاله هم به دلیل دارا بودن ماهیت تصویری و هم به دلیل پیوند این هنر با دیگر هنرهای تجسمی و کاربردی و هم در راستای هدف کلی پژوهش که بررسی همه هنرهای هفت گانه در قرن 21 بوده، صورت گرفته است.
نظریه فرا انسان نگری در هنر به عنوان یکی از جدیدترین نظریه های پست مدرن، هستی شناختی جدیدی را پیش روی ما قرار می دهد که انسان را محور و مدار سایر موضوعات قرار نداده و برعکس، توجه به تمامی موضوعاتی دارد که در حاشیه زندگی بشر بوده و یا توجه کافی بدانها نمی شده است. توضیح و بسط این مفهوم به همراه آوردن نمونه هایی از هنرهای مختلف به ویژه سینما برای کمک به درک بهتر این گفتار، بخش های میانی و پایانی مقاله حاضر را تشکیل می دهند.
در متن مقاله از واژه آتروفیسم که واژه ای در زمینه پزشکی است استفاده شده تا بیانگر جدا شدن تدریجی برخی الحاقات زمینه ای از پیکره هنر معاصر و به ویژه سینما باشد با این هدف که آن را به عنوان هنری با ویژگی های خاص خود برای مخاطب، بازشناسی کند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

A research on the concept called the Dehumanization of art in 21st century

نویسندگان [English]

  • monireh raeisi zargari 1
  • Hasan Bolkhari 2

1 tihran

2 Faculty member of Tehran University

چکیده [English]

his research is based on Dehumanization of art as one of the basic approaches in modern era, and related activities that leads to this new approach. This attitude that contains a new regard to our surrounding, also is connected to the new definition of art works and is followed by many artists nowadays. This approach is concentrated to margins of our lives, the parts or people that are ignored by us either intentionally or unintentionally.
Dehumanization of art as a postmodern theory presents a new ontology that is not human homocentric and is based on other creatures and entities as an important subjects deserving of attention in biosphere. This concept is descripted in this research as the main part and different examples of arts especially cinema are mentioned to clarify the subject-matter.
Atrophy is the specialized word in this paper that is considered as one specialized word, pointing to eliminating some integrations such as music, narration, story from the main structure of film to investigate stating the film as a pure art and redefining it as a form of art that is self reliant.

Explanation and expanding of this theory is the main part of this article and then its accordance to different fields of art besides related samples are also mentioned in the next parts of this writing.
The goal of this research is mainly pointing to this matter that it is not just human being who dominates the world and other creatures even objects exist around us, they have their roles in nature and must be considered even more than humans in some situations, so modern and postmodern artists are the ones who refer to these subjects and show then in their artworks.
In the final part of the paper, this approach is reviewed in cinema and
A few of the filmmakers that have turned to this approach are introduced and their films is regarded as some of the most important cases of this new approach in filmmaking. This approach is used in order to introduce cinema as a unique kind of art that has its special characteristics that make this art to be realized and praised as an independent art in relation to other art forms.

Explanation and expanding of this theory is the main part of this article and then its accordance to different fields of art besides related samples are also mentioned in the next parts of this writing.
The goal of this research is mainly pointing to this matter that it is not just human being who dominates the world and other creatures even objects exist around us, they have their roles in nature and must be considered even more than humans in some situations, so modern and postmodern artists are the ones who refer to these subjects and show then in their artworks.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "artistic atrophy "
  • "Dehumanization"
  • "bio art"
  • "cine-yoga"
  • "futurism"